The most fundamental law in electricity is Ohm’s law or V=IR. The V is for voltage, which means the potential difference between two charges. In other words, it is a measurement of the work required to move a unit charge between two points. When we see a value such as 10 Volts, it is a measurement of the potential difference between two reference points. Normally the two points will be +10V and 0V (also known as ground), but it can also be the difference between +5V and -5V, +20V and +10V, etc. In the field, you might hear the term “common grounds” which refers to each device in a system using the same zero-point reference (or ground) to ensure the same potential difference ( or voltage) is applied throughout the system. The next component of Ohm’s law is current, the units of which are Amperes; in the formula, current is represented by the very logical choice of the letter I. As mentioned previously, current is the measurement of the flow of charge in a circuit. This leaves us with the letter R which represents Resistance. Electrical resistance, measured in Ohms, is the measure of the amount of current repulsion in a circuit. Simply, resistance resists current flow. When electrons flow against the opposition offered by resistance in the circuit, friction occurs and heat is produced. The most common application for resistance in a circuit is the light bulb. The light bulb introduces enough resistance in a circuit to heat up the filament inside, causing light to be emitted. Resistance in a circuit can also be helpful when needing to alter voltage levels, current paths, etc. Resistors are self-contained packages of resistance that can be added to a circuit and are commonly used to divide voltage levels.